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Austin was an amazing dog, not only a successful show dog he has a fantastic temperament we have come to expect from his fantastic dam line.
His mother Turbo, is very fortunate to be the daughter of national winner Turnberry Super Roo (imp aust) who is the daughter of the famous Troy von der Noriswand (IMP GERM).
We are very lucky turbo produces the type coming from Troy. Austin certainly has many of the same characteristics of the great Troy Noriswand, which we are forever thankful, good looks and good temperament, (thanks Troy)
Sadly we lost Austin on the 15th july 2015 but right till the end he was an amazing dog, friendly social and totally trustworthy with all dogs and people big or small.
We will certainly miss him and he leaves a huge gap in our lives
Austins show results
2nd Baby puppy Dog, Ian Urie
2nd Baby puppy Dog ,Alistar Henderson
2nd Minor puppy Dog, Fay Stokes
1st Puppy dog Fran Farley, Puppy in Show
1st puppy dog, Kim Gregory
2nd Puppy dog Glen Gregory
1st puppy dog Bruce Knight
1st puppy dog Bruce Anderson,Puppy in Show
5th Junior dog GSD National
1st NZ Bred Dog NZ Bred in show Gold medal winner Reserve Inshow John Fenner
1st Nz bred dog, NZ Bred In Show reserve dog Reserve in Show Mike Bradley SV
1st intermediate dog APGSDL
1st nz bred,. nz bred in show gold medal winner and reserve in show , fiona anderson worrell(scotland)
2nd open dog WGSDC feb 2012
2nd open dog WGSDC Feb 2012
2nd open dog reserve dog ,APGSDL Norbert Wettlaufer SV
His mother Turbo, is very fortunate to be the daughter of national winner Turnberry Super Roo (imp aust) who is the daughter of the famous Troy von der Noriswand (IMP GERM).
We are very lucky turbo produces the type coming from Troy. Austin certainly has many of the same characteristics of the great Troy Noriswand, which we are forever thankful, good looks and good temperament, (thanks Troy)
Sadly we lost Austin on the 15th july 2015 but right till the end he was an amazing dog, friendly social and totally trustworthy with all dogs and people big or small.
We will certainly miss him and he leaves a huge gap in our lives
Austins show results
2nd Baby puppy Dog, Ian Urie
2nd Baby puppy Dog ,Alistar Henderson
2nd Minor puppy Dog, Fay Stokes
1st Puppy dog Fran Farley, Puppy in Show
1st puppy dog, Kim Gregory
2nd Puppy dog Glen Gregory
1st puppy dog Bruce Knight
1st puppy dog Bruce Anderson,Puppy in Show
5th Junior dog GSD National
1st NZ Bred Dog NZ Bred in show Gold medal winner Reserve Inshow John Fenner
1st Nz bred dog, NZ Bred In Show reserve dog Reserve in Show Mike Bradley SV
1st intermediate dog APGSDL
1st nz bred,. nz bred in show gold medal winner and reserve in show , fiona anderson worrell(scotland)
2nd open dog WGSDC feb 2012
2nd open dog WGSDC Feb 2012
2nd open dog reserve dog ,APGSDL Norbert Wettlaufer SV